Media and Journalism

Interview with Granwyth Hulatberi, WTO (World Trade Organisation) Information Services -7th September 2002

G'day Greg,

GT. What are your views on Internet Censorship?

GH. We are opposed to Internet censorship, as this interferes with transparency. Transparency is the principle whereby what we do is what you see, and what you see is what you get--therefore, What We Do Is What You Get (tm) (that's a real slogan of ours).

GT. and also, may I link to your site from mine: aka

Please do! Thank you.

GT. What are your main aims and objectives for 2003?

GH. We wish to enforce trade freedoms across the world, in every domain, including that of sports. Sports is high on our list of priorities in every way.

GT. What are your thought on the U.S direction in its approach to an ever apparent direction to bomb Iraq?

GH. Well, it must be said that the Middle East is not entirely subject to the control of multinational corporations, and as such has been a serious damper on the progress of trade-based world improvement mechanisms (survival of the corporate fittest, etc.).

By incorporating Iraq snugly into the sphere of influence of the U.S., Saudi Arabia and Iran will likewise be dependentised," for geographic reasons. Therefore the key petroleum players in the Middle East will be under the global thumb, so to speak, and hence in the sphere of the "corporate fitness game." This can only be good for business.

GT. Thanks, and keep up the great work.

Thanks Greg! Please feel free to use any of our words that you like, including the above!

Granwyth Hulatberi
WTO Information Services

*Greg Tingle just hoaxed "The Yes Men". They are the king of hoax's. Greg Tingle's fellow classmate, did an assignment on Media Hoaxes - The Yes Men, and Mr Tingle, not to be outdone, after he completed hi presentation on Reality TV: Jerry Springer, decided he would hoax The Yes Men, who would have you believe they are the World Trade Organisation.

By the way, Greg Tingle is a big fan of "The Yes Men". Luv your work fellas.

To the reader...Did I fool you also? Don't worry, The Yes Men have tricked "smarter" people and organisations.

Greg Tingle is now going to contact The Yes Men, and see if they will gratefully accept my invitation to take me "on board" to represent "The Yes Men", in Sydney, Australia!

WTO/GATT Information Services Official website

Greg Tingle
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